Thursday, July 26, 2007

crimson room - entertainment

hey.. haven't posted for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. busy these few days. first it was prelim compo.. then oral.. it was kinda fun though. writing and writing and writing...

kay here's some entertainment for you :D

The Crimson Room:

There are 13 items hidden in this room in order to
let you get out of this room.

The Viridian Room:

The Crimson Room is much easier than the Viridian Room. :D

The Blue Room:

The White Chamber:

Sometimes if you find them too hard.. remember theres always such thing as a walkthrough!
for example, if you're finding the walkthrough for 'white chamber', just go to and type in 'white chamber walkthrough'. etc. that'll make life much easier :D

have fun! xD