Sunday, July 11, 2010


Ha I feel like this is close to a replica of someone's blog >D But here goes.

Brain: It cannot be, it's impossible. I mean, 4 years? Nobody's ever gonna wait that long. Anybody who's ever gone 'I'll wait' has NEVER waited. So I've never wished/hoped that it would.
Heart: Will it be possible? Lol cause I don't know... It COULD be possible.
Brain: All I know is it shouldn't be thought of until university. Nothing should be. And I don't wanna wait for nothing either... 4 years is a long time, a long loooooooong time, many new things/ people will come into our lives.
It's only been a month plus, things are still fragile, anything can change. I know that things are possible to change OVERNIGHT and boy was it freaky. So there's still that thick thick heavy-duty wall between me and anything to do with the matter of the heart (i built it 3 years ago ^^v), and I don't wanna fall into that HOLE again. Then get dumped in there forever and ever, till the day I finally wreck/ bruise/ cut/ disfigure my fingers/ feet/ limbs scraping against the walls of the hole and finally climb out. Now I've started life over, back to my old self, and I don't wanna get back in that hole of DEATHHHH. Been there done that, don't wanna do it ever again.
Heart: But I never do want to lose you as a friend. I mean when I met you I felt like I've met you for longer than just a month. And it's weird...
Brain: Thing is, I don't know how it feels like to like someone. Yeah I know that's weird but I DON'T KNOW :O I still have doubts about you. I can feel that you're making more and more advancements as days pass, and I'm getting scared over that. Plus, it isn't time. 4 years later is, I mean if it were to be 4 years later everything would be so different, but look at my first thought, up there.

So conclusion:
I'm staying stagnant and rejective. (this isn't word, right? hahaha) Just don't get mad at me... You still have the freedom to search the world for better fishes. Go go go I'm not worth it the wait.


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