Saturday, October 31, 2009


Woots! Mango, Lemon/Lime, Mixed berries sorbet! All in 2 tubs! I'm gonna get fat ahha. But who cares, I'm already fat. :P

Good luck to those who're taking their O's and A's soon! Though O's already started. Haha.
Yay Xuannie received my card today! When i posted it 2 days ago (thursday). Jiayou Xuannie! <3
Good luck to my sister with her A's too!

I'm sick! Nooo.. But I'm sure I'm getting better day by day :D

It's ranting time.

Group mate A is getting on my nerves. Seriously. Excuses excuses excuses is all she can ever give. Her skin is so thick she elected herself as the group "leader", when she can never get the job right. She replaces the word "visits" with "visitations". Hellooooo, it's a presentation, that should be as summarized and simplified as possible. All she wants to do is to show off her "English" and "Vocabulary". Argh.

I slept at 2am yesterday because I was trying to send my RS mentor a copy and paste email from 12am to 2am. I fell asleep every 10seconds. That was how bushed I was... And group mate A just keeps complaining and complaining. "I will send the email to NEA by today." Turned out, she only sent it a month+ later. "I tried to contact you yesterday and since I don't have the powerpoint slides I can't do anything." Did she try to contact me? No. Did she get the powerpoint slides from group mate B when she was contactable? No. And here she is blaming me for everything. "For your information I slept at 2am yesterday because I had to pack for my flight". Yala yalah, you very rich, everyday fly here fly there one right? Excuses excuses excuses. When are you going to fly? School is 2 weeks from ending, competition is 1 week away. Fly what fly. Bullshit.
-Stuffs fist up her throat-
This way she can both suffocate and shut up. Yay.

Talent Vogue yesterday was fun! But I had to stone for 5hours in class yesterday while waiting for it to start. Lol, at least I had Chomby and Siyuan to accompany for the first 3hours :D

I scream, you scream, we scream for ICE CREAM! :D


At 6:42 PM , Blogger ㅅㄹㅎ, ♬ said...

Oh god you don't know how much i agree with this post hehehehehehhehehe Member A sucks


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