Thursday, October 15, 2009

I wonder if I should name today a good day or a bad day.

Firstly, I got a booking from Alagu just because I was drinking Nutritea at the netball court.. >_> This means 2 detentions for me. What a waste of 2 hours, writing two dumb reflections. Great. If I were to be the principal, I'd scrape the handphone/food rule. It's so impractical to not be able to drink sweet drinks after playing an hour of netball, I mean come on, it's just a drink. My mouth doesn't have a leaking hole you know. Argh, it's going to be the end of the school year, and I thought I could happily run off with just 1 detention.

Sometimes, things you deem insignificant may change a person's life. I still recall the days in primary school - PE was the lesson I hated most, not because I had to run, not because I didn't like the teacher. It was because of the people I had to play with. I would always be the last one to get chosen into a group, or should I say I'd never got chosen. Then what would I do for the rest of the hour? Haha, I'd sit alone watching them play and when teacher asked me why I wasn't playing, all I'd say would be "stomach pain". What hurts the most is when you see your close friend being the team leader and he/she never takes a look at you, not more choose you on the team. It really hurts.
Today changed everything. As usual I planned to sit aside to watch my classmates play netball, but this time it was different: "Lisa you wanna play?" "Want!" That changed everything.
"We choose group okay?"
Wow. That one powerful line. But the thing is, I got chosen soon enough! Ahha! Man was I happy haha. I really like RGS, it feels like family to me. CKPS feels so strangerish, and always did. I never liked anyone from there, except for my close friends, neither did anybody like me. It served as a place for me to receive education from, and spend half a day there. Nothing like a home. RGS is totally different, it serves as a 2nd home to me, the people there are awesome and nice, I feel loved there. xD

Ohman I screwed my latin dance exam up but ohwells, all I'd get is certificate, it doesn't matter much, haha.

Steph, Chomby, Alagu, Arathi, Pavithra, Sandra and I went out for FREE PIZZA!! Well the story's complicated but in short, it was Alagu's parents' treat (: Thanks! But right, it's in Choa Chu Kang, wow. Next destination, some Country Club opposite of Swiss Cottage Secondary!
We took a bus we weren't sure off to Bukit Gombak. The bus driver lady promised to call us when we reach but nooooo, when we arrived at Boon Lay interchange we asked her if we got on the right bus and all she said was "aiyo, I forgot." Lol.
Ohwells, we took the MRT in the end, so much more trustworthy don't you think so? The Country Club was A-W-E-S-O-M-E! We wanted to play laser tag but the room was packed and the guy at the counter said room was only available at 5pm. It was 4pm.

Steph: So... the rooms will only be free at 5pm?
Guy: Yeap! But not free la, you've to pay.

Yeah and I suggested bowling first. Hilarious ball rolling.
Laser tag at 5pm was tiring but very worth it! "You can run but you can't hide!" The vest would vibrate when you 'die' and it's really ticklish.
Left Bukit Gombak at 6pm and stank up the MRT for a whole hour. Well, at least I think I stink. I had OBS check up, netball, dance exam, bowling and laser tag in one uniform. Stinky!

The best will always be saved for the last.
I GREW 2CM HAHAHAHAHA! Okay to some people it may seem like a "chey so what?" but to me it's a miracle. I haven't been growing for quite some time already but now it's 2cm! Yay! Perhaps it's cause I've been stuffing myself with food these few days. The downside of this is that I've gained 3kg, and that's just bad.

P.S: I feel like I'm slowly slipping away from the people I'm close to. I know this is contradictory towards what I said, but I'm starting to realize and find out things I've never knew. I don't think finding those things out is a good thing though.
1. If you prefer that box, stop trying to stuff this ball into it. It will never fit, okay? They just don't match. Just go fit in that box all you want.
2. Sucks when feelings aren't returned ):
Am I really not likeable? Why am I always the backup? Why's there no one person who I can tell everything to without feeling weird and getting the answers I really want?


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