Monday, September 22, 2008

yay 7 things quiz!

7 things that scare you :
1. Life without my family
2. Life without you ;D
3. Life without computer
4. Life with only books and more books
5. A life in black and white
6. You spending too much money on me :/
7. Life without lameeeeee siyuan ;D

7 things that you like the most:
1. My family!
2. You!
3. Ghost stories/ movies!
4. Computer!
5. Slacking and doing whatever you want, wherever, whenever!
6. Camwhoring! (LOL)
7. Outings with close friends ;D

7 important things in my room:
1. Computer
2. Handphone
3. Plugs to charge stuff with
4. Waterbottle
5. Bed
6. Leona Lewis CD
7. Table

7 random facts about me:
1. I love being lame/random/sarcastic
2. I love lame/random people
3. I love music
4. I love chatting online
5. I love drawing/playingcheemsongsonthepiano
6. My room is in a totalllllllll mess
7. I love whoever who loves me alot alot ;D

7 things I plan to do before I die:
1. Do everything i wanna do with my family and you
2. Say everything i wanna say with my family and you
3. Spend every single second with my family and you
4. Slap those who i hate and never get hit back =X
5. Rob a bank and spend all the money on whatever i want ._____.
6. Go around the world!
7. To be with those who i love

7 things I can't do:
1. Be perfect
2. Do. a. proper. hand. stand.
3. Back roll by myself ._____.
4. Baby freeze
5. Play computer games whenever i want to T______T
6. Overcome stage fright
7. Grow TALLER.

7 things you are attracted to the opposite sex:
1. Cheerful
2. Optimistic
3. Awesome character
4. Caring
5. Sensitive
6. A little obsessive =XX
7. Funny! Lame!

7 things I always say:
2. uhhhh...
5. waseh..
7. you're the best ;D

7 People you want them to do this quiz:
1. John
2. Siyuan
3. Jermaine
4. Shannon
5. Esna
6. Janice
7. Jacky

whereas for the tag replies..



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