Monday, September 01, 2008

I'm glad to say, everything has changed for the better! :D yay cheer for me thankyou.
i wanna say a special thanks to everybody who helped me during my fall. especially you there! =)

okay this is getting way too emotional. let's all cuddle and cry together. (damn i'm being lame again)

oh well.. back to picture posts!

these are plain HEE-LAA-RI-OUS





(if you failed to laugh, you have no life, dude.)

hookay.. saturday pictures (:

went to watch

it was soooooo adorable

i'll remember that show like, forever :D

oh yea while queuing up for tickets, look at these LOL-able pics.

the artists should seriously join the creativity club. hahaaaa

it was seriously awesome.. :D

hey i bought my new camera! SIYUAN AND I ARE RELATED NAOOOO. we've the exact same camera =X don't kill me siyuan. haha.

it looks like.. this:

chioooo <3
i know you're jealous. i just know it :3

yea and i walked 3 times around the fountain of wealth, making a wish.
actually i made a lot of wishes la. hahahha i'm one greedy person ;D


oh yea.. i stupidly fell sick. so went to guardian pharmacy and this is something i saw..

geddit? nvm. haha.

oh yea today's teacher's day right! ALRIGHT MAN. here are some foam roses i made, going out to all teachers out there :D


kay, some random pictures to end this post off with ;D (as usual)

hey you know about this type of material? they'll shrink to one-third of it's original size when heated. soo cooooool right! yea i know ;D
i'm soooo throwing this into the microwave some day. hehe.

OKAY FINE. i know i drew it wrongly. and now it looks sooooo wrong. haha. the thumbs shouldn't be shown. or else..
yea it'll look wrong T___T

moving on to
tag replies:

mo: hahahah school is like a vacuum cleaner xD true. true. yeaa i saw you in the mrt! LOL
john: LOL school sarks la heh. jiayou on your work (: i don't take weird photos!! >=D
siyuan: HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA, mrschoo is fatter. haven't you heard the quote "pigs are gentle, sensitive and intelligent animals"? :DDDDD oh and i know my face is nice. don't needa boost my ego :3 your blog interesting la very interesting.
chengyi: yea i must admit i WAS emo. notice the past tense in capital letters. hahaha. emo days are ovaaaa. so over. yea i love the songs too! they should be the top 10 in singapore la. not like.. okay nvm (:
siyuan: yay meeeee
john: LOL i got act meh! -dao you- eh.. your blog privated. cannot link =/
chengyi: hehehe(:
stephanie: i blame your photography skillllsssssss. whatcha' do 'bout it? ;DD
john: :O!
stephanie: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. i demand a rematch! my teachers were happy to see their exstudents going back! :D
(oh shyt i think i'm going crazy at this point lol)
john: blegh. woah. why are you online so late? haha
vanessa: HELLOO VANESSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ;D omg i feel so happy being able to see you on saturday ahhaha. hope you're having fun in malaysia like, right now! :D hey i'm gonna persuade and persuade and persuade my mother to let me go on the other outing alright ;D (i'm soo not a lessy fyi heh)
siyuan: D=
pk: LOL spot me where! where where where!
alanna: heyyyy! haha it's okay, take your time to reply :D hope you're doing great too!
bridget: LOL we were like mad people la xD eh? what 2 ghey guys?
bridget: TOO BAAAAAD. you already made one non-constructive tag. the tag which i am currently replying too. you spammerrr!

yay thankyou to all the people above for helping me keep my blog alive by tagging! hahaha

okay i'm bored. i shall count how many tags from each person.

mo: 1
john: 4
siyuan: 4
chengyi: 2
stephanie: 2
vanessa: 1
alanna: 1
bridget: 1 (i'll just count you as 1 cause you tagged on the same day wahaha)

so the top taggers are... *drumrolls*
john and siyuan!

you guys get nothing from me ;P

okay till next time!<3


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